Well we FINALLY made it to the beach! I can not believe it actually happend. I have been waiting for this day for months. It was perfect (with the exception my hubby and oldest son was not with us). I was originaly going to stay home and get stuff done around here. But, after I woke up this morning I thought there is no way I am going to sit home in this hot sticky house and WORK. So, I packed the kids up and we were out faster than nothing. We went to Lake Michigan. It was just beautiful. There were NO waves or wind. It was so quiet. You could hear everything around you. It was definately strange to see the big lake so calm. But, yet it was surprisingly beautiful. Colby & Chaley had a blast. They played in the water & sand. We took a walk along the shore line and bathed in the sun. After about an hour and a half we packed up and went over to Muskegon lake to meet Autumn & her gang. It was so nice and relaxing. Exactly what the doctor ordered. I look forward to many more summer days like today with my family and friends.

He's so sweet....I just love this little boy to pieces. He's perfect.

So is this little girl. She was so excited to get into that water. I love the tounge shot!

And this has got to be the CUTEST PICTURE EVER! This is Colby & Kemper. I can't wait to scrapbook this page. They are going to hate me when they get older. Hahaha.
Here is to many many more lazy beach days!!