I have totally fallen off the blog loop completely. For those of you that know me well, know that while school is in session my life is completly total choas. I however, would not have it any other way. So with that said I want you to all know I am on my way back into this lovely little world. Tomorrow is the last day of school for my kiddo's. Which also means I am finished with work for the summer. YAY. Beach dates, play dates, and lots of R & R. I can't wait to hang out with all my friends and their children. I can't wait to get my house in order so that when people come over I am not so imbarresed. I am ready to pull out my camera and take lots of photos! I am just ready for a BREAK from the craziness. So stay tuned to the crazy beautiful life of ME. With that said I leave you with a fun photo of me and my wonderful hubby (who by the way is amazing) and of course a fun family one!!! They are a little dark but I still like them.
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