A few weeks back Leslie, Jay & I met up to get a tattoo. To make a very long story short we were not able to get them done that day. We were bummed but so glad that we waited. We ended up getting a hold of Lonnie. He is a guy that has done work on Jason before and had went to school with him as well. We made and appointment and went with it. So this past Saturday we met up again and got inked. What an experience!! I was torn as to what I wanted to get. I knew I wanted my kids names and that was it. I had also decided that I had to have a butterfly somewhere. I am a butterfly girl. A butterfly to me signifies, beauty, good luck, & peace. So why not have something meaningful with my kids names. I literally decided what I wanted when I said down in the driver seat of my car that morning. It was the oddest thing but at that moment it all came to me. So off we went. I told Lonnie what I wanted he drew it up and bam - it was time to put that on the top of my foot. It hurt like who done it! I screamed, tensed up, and managed to say a few other choice words. However, I really like it! I hope you do too. Below I added some photo's of our experience.
"Me holding Leslie's hand (we love each other) when she has hers done. I do believe hers only took about 3 minutes."

Good job!!! I have always wanted to get a tatoo, but the pain is something I just can not do. It looks beautiful!!!
I cant even say that I know how it feels because mine is so much smaller. But it must have REALLY hurt. You are one tough cookie!
You were smart to get it now, when it can heal and you dont have to worry about the sun fading it!
So AWESOME!!! I am such a chicken...I have always wanted a Tat...but well just have never gotten one, mostly because of pain, like Kristin!
Well, well. Jason said he has a beautiful family and now I see he's right. pretty cool tattoos. Tell the old man I said hi.....
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