Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I keep dreaming I am back in this gorgeous place!

I know that not everyone wants to read about the winter blues. But boy do I ever have them this year. I can't seem to get the picture of beautiful Maui out of my head. Is it horrible that it's all I think about. The sun, the beach, the sand, the palm trees. I can't get it out of my head. It's driving me crazy. What do I do?? I am so not myself lately. This snow and cold is really bringing me down. I think I will try tanning. But, if it's not a Maui or somewhere peaceful, beautiful and warm I don't know what I'm going to do.
How do you enjoy winter? It is definately very difficult for me to do.


jennie said...

not sure that I have any answaers for you, since this is also a biggie for me. I feel like I tread water all winter long, barely keeping from losing my mind,just waiting for spring and sunshine and green and fresh and beach...
I think I embrace my home. Make it cozy and clean. I cook new things and bake A LOT. Lots of loud fun music(usually with uklele;))And of course crafty stuff. I work on making things cheap and finding ways to make the house cute. I get lots of satisfaction from that.

I think because you were just in paradise, its just that much fresher in your mind. Change you focus, go tanning, and start a project. Goals make the time go faster:) love you, my friend.

d ogo said...
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