Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Friday!!!!!

So today I get home from work only to find my baby boy in his bed sleeping. That is extreamly odd for him to be sleeping at that hour. I asked him if he was feeling okay. He said that his head hurt really bad. And of course he felt warm. I was almost in tears. I hate it when my little ones do not feel well. So, of course I did the "mom" thing - gave him some meds, made his bed all nice and comfy, set up a tv tray next to his bed with some kleenex, water bottle, and dinner. He asked for some easy mac. So of course that is what he gets. I love this little boy so much. He is just too sweet. I can't believe he will be 7 next saturday. Colby bug - I love you & I hope you feel better soon. Here is a little funny story. I was sitting here on the couch catching up with a friend from Cali on yahoo messenger when all of a sudden I notice that Miss Chaley is missing a tooth. I nearly flipped a frickin lid. Chaley lost her 1st tooth and I had no idea. Not only did I not know anything about it - I never even knew it was loose let alone gone! She has no idea where it is either. I honestly do not think she even knew it was gone. Now tell me how crazy is all of that?! I told her she is a beautiful toothless little girl.

Today I was messing around outside with my NEW camera. I took a couple cute shots of Chaley while she was waiting for the bus. The one below is my FAVORITE. She is just growing way too fast too. I have always been told that they will be grown and gone in the blink of an eye.

Well, it's friday night. Brendan is at a friends. Colby is not feeling well. Chaley wants to go shopping (typical little girl) and I have lots stuff to do around the house. I am also wishing thy hubby was home from Maryland. Soon - he keeps saying. Soon is just not soon enough!

1 comment:

jennie said...

Oh she's so cute wiht the missing tooth! How funny that she doesnt know when it happened! Love the glad to see you back in business:)

Hope Colby feels better soon.