Sunday, December 21, 2008
Very sad day.........
Lastnight we got the phone call that Lowell was in the hospital and that he was not feeling well. They said he had phnemonia. Today we recieved a phone call stating that Lowell had an anerisum in his stomach and they were going to have to do surgery. Without surgery he would not make it. They were pretty sure that his heart could not with stand surgery nor could his lungs. Their was a 50/50 chance they could help him. He had been feeling pretty yucky for awhile. But, his drive has been to care for Jason's grandma. She too has been ill for a few years. His whole meaning for life was to make sure she was taken care of. And if that meant he would be with her before attending a doctor's appointment or a surgery for himself that is what he would do. These two were very much in love. You could see it when ever they were together. It was precious. I will miss that for sure. Anyhow, Jason and I got our stuff together and ventured out into the blizzard this afternoon. My plan was to get there before he went into surgery. (We didn't know what time this would be - we just knew we had to get there soon). I wanted to see him, hold his hand, hug him and tell him we loved him before they took him down. I wanted him to know we were there and that we cared about him & loved him. Well, when we got there they had just wheeled him down. We just missed him. I was so sad! But, I also knew he was in good hands. Dr. Gluck was the doctor in on his surgery. However, we were not there too long before they called us into the room with closed doors. They told us he didn't even make it to surgery. When the anesthesioligist put the medicine in him his heart stopped right away. He said just one shot of the medicine was all it took. His heart just dropped down. He passed peacefully. He did not want them to resesitate. The doctor also said that even if Lowell would have allowed it that they could not have saved him. His heart was just too weak. It had apparently only been working at 30%. We were able to go back in the recovery room and see him. I was very nervous but felt it was something we needed to do since we did not make it to him before surgery. I was able to put my hand on his heart and kiss his forhead and let him know I loved him. Jason was able to do the same. What a very unforgettable and emotional moment. I will never ever forget it. As I will never forget a very special man. Lowell thank you for being part of my life as well as my kids. You might have been very set in your ways but we still loved you no matter what. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face when ever I would see you. And, I promise I will not blow away. Ever since my surgery you said that they better tie some weights to me so I do not blow away. You always made me laugh when you said that. Please know you will never be forgotten and that you will always be sadly missed.
Today is the day the good lord took a wonderful man from us. Lowell Corning AKA "Pops". I met this man when I first met Jason. What a great guy. He was married to Jay's grandma - Marjorie Kovach. He always managed to make me laugh or smile when ever I seen him! He will be greatly missed. My promise to you Lowell is to take care of grandma for you. She is in good hands and you have no worries. Between us all in the family she will be taken care of. I miss you already!! R.I.P pops.

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Mya, I am so sorry. My best to the family and for Jason's Grandma. Hang in there sweetie. You poor thing, such weight on your shoulders right now. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Lets talk soon:)
oh Mya, I will be thinking about you and your family! Sounds like this guy was a great person! I wish you and your family all the best! Hang in there!!
I just want you to know my thoughts are with you. If you ever need to talk you know how to reach me. Big hugs!!!
My thoughts in prayers are with you and Jason's family, now and through this holiday season. What a wonderful man to have had in your life. You are truely blessed.
My Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family through this difficult time...
Always remember the good times...
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