I have been EXTREMLY busy with my sweet little puppies. I would have never imagined that caring for 7 four legged babies would have taken up so much of my time. Bye the end of it all I was mentally exhaused & an emotional mess. I love each and every one of them to pieces. They are all gone now. I let them all go to thier new homes over the past 5 days. I think I found good homes for all of them. I question one family I let one go too - but I have come to terms with the fact that I can't protect them forever. Now given I had the space I would have kept them all and never let any of them go. It still amazes me how small they were just seven weeks ago. They couldn't see or hear. They were fully taken care of their sweet mamma. With in two weeks of them being born their eyes started to open and they were trying to move. Over the next 2 weeks they became more vocal and a lot more moble. They started playing with each other too. It was so cute. As the days the days went bye we all (me, Jay, Brendan, Colby, & Chaley) became more and more attached to them. It was fun to watch them develop into their own little personality. At week 4 things started to become quite a challenge. Mamma started to not want to be with the pups as much. She was not wanting to feed as often anymore. So it was time for this mamma to intervine. I had to start blending up puppy chow into a powder and adding warm water to it at least 5 times a day. They would plop their little feet in there and slide around, fall in it, etc. They made a huge mess. It was not fun cleaning up, not to mention cleaning the puppies up. We had to start cleaning up their potty mess as well. Each day became harder and harder to keep up with. It was mentally and physically exhausting to keep up with along with every day life. I think I was starting to go just a little crazy. BUT in the end I have decided that I would do it again. I posted some pictures of them from a few days ago. They loved it outside. They loved to play together and they loved to let me take pictures of them. I will miss them all dearly. Here are a few pictures of them before they all went to their new homes.
Below we have the momma and daddy playing outside with their pups.
We have Brendan & Bella
This is Sage - too too cute.
This is one of my favorite pictures yet. She is stunning....this is chica.
Another favorite picture - this is Nova isnt' he gorgeous.
Below we have the momma and daddy playing outside with their pups.

And here is Meika with Meme. This was the last pup to go home. I sensed she was sad that she only had one left. It made my heart break in two. But, I know it will all be okay.
I have enjoyed this journey. I have had so many emotions through it all....but I am thinking I would definately do it ONE more time.
I have enjoyed this journey. I have had so many emotions through it all....but I am thinking I would definately do it ONE more time.
Beautiful babies, pictures...and your heart!!! Are you doing OK? I give you a lot of credit. I can not imagine the emotional roller coaster you must have been on for the past few weeks. Take care of yourself and GREAT job lovin' 7 puppies the way you did!!!
By the way, when are we getting together again?????
Oh my,how they have grown! And BEAUTIFUL!!!! I give you a TON of credit. It is So much work. I am sure it will be nice to have you house back to normal for a bit and reserve you attention for your big dogs:)
you gave those babies the best start in life possible, so good job mama mya:)
What beautiful puppies! I cannot even imagine how hard that was and hope that I never had to do it! WTG Mya!
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